Being SINGLE 101

How this blog works..

Every other day a post will be made specifically for single men and women. After each post readers are encouraged to share experiences, thoughts, and concerns. Most importantly ask QUESTIONS? The best one will be saved for Fri-Your-Day.

Fri-Your-Day is every Friday....This means one questions from your weekly comments will be chosen to be discussed for the entire day. Let it be yours.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Singles Stop Fronting

I'm sorry that the words do not correlate with the movement of my mouth. I am working on getting this problem solved asap. If it helps any, don't watch the video just listen to the message. lol Love you guys for the support.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Real Housewives? ..Ummm that’s up in the air?….Real Men? Are there many out there?

With the raging epidemic of reality shows about real housewives, real NBA and NFL…..wives I guess, what about a show for Real Men? I wonder why this idea hasn’t surfaced yet…perhaps I’m in the wrong profession. Is it because there aren’t many real men to choose from, or having a show about real men wouldn’t make the rating? I’m not so sure but here’s  what a real lady wants from a real man.  Let’s start with the basics. Men- it is your responsibility to first know yourself then know how to treat a woman. It‘s impossible to give anything to a woman if you are unsure of who you are, and what you really want. If you do not know who you are(what you want)  try discovering that before you pursue a relationship. If you do not know how to treat a woman, learn. Simply put. This is not some one size fit all ordeal. I am sure guys you have it to some element, but what may work for me, does not work for every BODY. Being genuinely concerned for her wellbeing, emotionally, physically, and mentally is a start. Tuning in to what she needs/wants should be a follow up. Very basic information, one would think. Over time I have found that it is really not so basic. Perhaps it may be due to the fact that many women like a variety of things; or think they like things that they really do not(leaving men clueless). Well men, f.y.i its probably because  so many women have not been afforded the opportunity to be treated correctly(BY A REAL MAN) therefore their ability to discern when they are, is not accurate. Drum roll please…….Real men you have to find out what women want and need, AFTER you have figured out what you want……..